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Passion For Learning

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Project title: Passion for learning
Project number: 
Programme: Erasmus+ - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices – Strategic Partnerships for school education
Coordinator:  Scoala Gimnaziala Nr.18 (Rumunia)
Duration: 01.10.2019-30.09.2021




Overall goal of the project is development of an innovative integrated school educational approach which will improve teaching and learning performance, inclusiveness and equity of pupils at risk of early school leaving (ESL) through using therapeutic methods and ICT tools into educational activities.

The major innovation of this project is introducing therapeutic methods in the educational activities not as a separate approach to increase above mentioned skills and prevent early school leaving.

The most suitable therapeutic methods considered by project specialists to be included in educational approaches for ESL are: expressive therapy (art therapy, dance therapy/movement therapy, drama therapy, psychodrama, melotherapy, writing and bibliotherapy, photo/video-based therapy), emotion focused therapy, group therapy, color and chromotherapy, game therapy, applied behavioral analysis (ABA), cognitive behavioral therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, and others.


Specific objectives:

Increasing learning performance and correct poor behavior of 125 pupils facing with risk to ESL into partner schools by developing intrapersonal and interpersonal connected with social, civic, intercultural and media-literacy skills in the partner schools through applying of therapy-based educational methods.

Supporting introduction and effective usage of digital technology for 125 pupils and enhance continuous communication about ESL problem across different school system actors (project partners, teachers, pupils and families, other stakeholders) through developing a common educational platform with multiple functionalities (forums, chats, blog).

Increasing learning motivation and engagement of 125 pupils facing the risk of ESL in the partner schools through enriching the learning experiences and reducing disparities by accessing digital technologies, using ITC tools and therapeutic digital content in the classroom.

Supporting teachers from partner organizations to adopt inclusiveness methods, applying more project-based and cooperative/peer-to-peer methods, work into collaborative environment and use digital technologies involving them into teaching-learning activities and practicing on an educational platform.

Increasing the quality of partner’s leadership through applying PM² Open Project Management Methodology, throughout the project lifetime.

Increasing the visibility of the partners and extending the impact of results at regional, national and European level, during the project and after its lifetime through applying an intensive communication/dissemination strategy and provision of open access to educational resources.

Intellectual outputs:

  • Therapeutic educational activities for ESL inclusiveness. Handbook for teachers.
  • E-learning platform and interactive therapeutic educational resources.
  • Implementation of new activities for a target group of 125 pupils at risk of early school leaving.
  • During the project implementation all results will be public and promoted through different media.


Main impact of the project:

  • Increased learning performance and better behaviour of the target group.
  • Better interpersonal and intrapersonal skills of the target group.
  • Increased social, civic, intercultural and media-literacy skills of pupils.
  • Improved communications about the ESL problem between all school actors (project partners, teachers, pupils and families, other stakeholders).
  • Development of educational methods, pedagogies and practices of staff regarding ESL phenomena.
  • Improved competencies of trainers and specialists concerning new educational approaches.
  • Raised awareness on the important role of parents in preventing early school leaving.
  • Greater importance of the cultural/social/economic institution as drivers of knowledge in primary and secondary education.
  • Internationalization of innovative practices.


Target group:

  • Pupils and their families
  • Teachers, psychologists, pedagogists
  • Other stakeholders in the field of school education


Role of WSBiNoZ:

WSBINOZ  conducts numerous researches and educational projects, cooperates with various educational, health care, sport-allied and business-allied institutions, and is active at local and regional level. They cover an extensive competence regarding early school education, pedagogy and health, social pedagogy in the context of social work, therapeutic pedagogy and rehabilitation. We can realize the transitions from university level – future teachers - to school level, equipping the new generations of students with new competences required for acting efficiently as teachers in schools. Through WSBINOZ’s experience in the field of shaping creative attitudes, creative problem-solving and coping with stress as well as healthy and active living, we will know how to apply these therapies into didactic environment.


Project Partners:

Scola Gimnaziala nr 18 (Romania)

Sc Edufor Srl (Romania)

Mugla Il Milli Egitim Mudurlugu (Turkey)

Montese Cumhuriyet Ortaokulu (Turkey)

Centro Perlo Lo Sviluppo Creativo Danilo Dolci (Italy)

Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu i Nauk o Zdrowiu (Poland)

Szkoła Podstawowa nr 47 im. Jana Klemensa Branickiego w Białymstoku (Poland)


How to contact us:

Institutional coordinator of European projects: m.sujka@medyk.edu.pl 

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