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HAS - Healthy at School

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Project:  2022-1-BG01-KA220-SCH-000085347 

Healthy at school. Supporting the well-being and mental health of students and teachers / HAS

Project duration 01/11/2022 - 31/10/2024


Applicant organisation – Aassociation of Young Psychologists in Bulgaria E10037715

Partner organisations
E10115560 OU "Hristo Botev"

E10022952 IMS Private School Cyprus



The direct project target groups are:

- students aged 7-20 in schools from Bulgaria, Poland, and Cyprus;

- teachers from schools and universities and other educational centers from Bulgaria, Poland, and Cyprus;

- Non-teaching schools/university staff;

- other staff: experts, counselors, pedagogical advisers, psychologists;

- experts who are working with students, parents, and teachers.

Indirect target groups:

- Government and non-government organizations, schools and universities, institutions, social partners, municipalities, policymakers, youth, and sports organizations, companies, etc.



SCHOOL EDUCATION: Tackling learning disadvantage, early school leaving and low proficiency in basic skills

HORIZONTAL: Inclusion and diversity in all fields of education, training, youth and sport

SCHOOL EDUCATION : Supporting teachers, school leaders and other teaching professions

Topics :

Physical and mental health, well-being

International relations and development cooperation

Social responsibility of educational institutions



WP1 Project management and implementation

WP2 Building community among partners via promotion the well-being and mental health of students and teachers

A1.  Research on the attitudes of students and teachers the well-being and mental health

A2. Events, round tables and workshops with experts

A3. Methodology for supporting the well-being and mental health


WP3 Increasing competitiveness and employment in the field of school education

A1 Needs study and assessment

A2 Creating a new approach and better support for competitiveness and employment in school education

A3 Adaptation, integration, and implementation


WP4 Dissemination and publicity

А1 Multiplier events

А2 Project page and social networks

А3 Stakeholder visits and meetings


Expected Results:

1.1 Researched and analyzed the consequences for students and teachers of distance learning in an electronic environment

1.2 Conducted 6 round tables. Created 3 groups for mutual assistance and intervision;

1.3 Developed Methodology /Guide  with 3 more attractive programs according to the needs, including innovative approaches for

working with trainers and trainees

Developed 3 practices/methods that meet the needs of the target groups with fewer opportunities

60 trainers and 120 students involved in the pilot implementation of the programs

2.1 Conducted research, needs assessment, and identification of HR strengths

2.2 Developed Strategy for planning the professional development of employees in accordance with individual needs

2.3 Developed training program. Conducted motivational trainings for school staff in 3 areas

3.1 10 meetings for dissemination of results in Bulgaria with local and international participants and 2 CY and PL meetings with virtual participants outside the partnership

3.2 Web and FB project pages- information on Eng, BG, GR, and PL

3.3 12 Stakeholder visits and meetings. Printed and distributed 600 brochures of BG, GR, and PL


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