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Project title: BuildIT! Build your future piece by piece
Project number: 2020-1-PL01-KA204-081703
 Erasmus + Strategic Partnership for adult education
Coordinator: Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu i Nauk o Zdrowiu
Duration: 01.11.2020 - 31.10.2022 (24 months)
www: builditproject.eu
Facebook: facebook.com/builditproject



Build you future piece by piece is a strategic partnership in the adult education field aimed to support educators, by extending and developing their competences and improving teaching methods and tools through effective use of innovative solutions.


The main idea of the project consists in providing new educational methodology called BBU (Building Based Upskilling) to adult educators in order to be able to use it with their learners, more specific NEETs, to enhance their transversal and key competences (according to ESCO and Advice recommendation given by European Parliament and Council on 22th May 2008). Moreover this project is meant to offer indirect learning support for adults with low qualification and other socio-demographic disadvantages.


In designing and implementing this methodology, we want to increase the participation of adult learners, which varies greatly from one EU country to another but is still too low. In addition, in practically in all EU countries people with little or no qualifications in education – those most in need of access to learning – are the least likely to benefit from it. Age and educational attainment matter when it comes to adult participation in learning. European Union countries face a big issue regarding the difficulty of adults with low qualifications to integrate in the labour market. Together with the early drop out, the lack of soft skills and key competences prevents a big percentage of the NEETs to access a labour market in which all the previously mentioned are required. According to the Catalogue of transversal competences key for employability those competences are: intercultural skills and global awareness, organization and time management, team work, empathy and the ability to build relationships, problem solving, learning process, negotiation skills, leadership and collecting and processing information.


Adult learning is a sector in which educators need to be prepared to face the numerous reasons which lead to the lack of motivation of their trainees. Educators need innovative and engaging methods to be able to attract adults into courses, especially the underqualified ones, who are facing difficulties to understand abstract concepts and the fast changing demands in the labour market. Designing an innovative methodology based on lego, building blocks and puzzles in order to materialize abstract concept is a real need among the adult educators.



  • Providing adult educators innovative educational tools and know how through which to facilitate the learning process and developing of key and transversal competences of their trainees;
  • Designing new models and educational resources adapted to adult education;
  • Change the image of adult learning into a more attractive, accessible and useful through innovative educational methods, in which the learners are involved and active in their learning process, being motivated to improve their competences and knowledge marked in the European parameters.


In order to fulfil the objectives, the following ACTIVITIES will be performed:

  • Design a Handbook of strategic activities based on the BBU methodology
  • o Pilot phase in which the educators will be trained on the BBU methodology and activities
  • o Second pilot phase in which educators will implement the innovative methodology and activities with their adult learners
  • o Final design of the methodology and its activities into the Handbook after collecting the feedback from the educators and learners


Project partners:

  • DAFO Gestión Estratégica, Spain
  • TOPCOACH SRO, Slovakia
  • Ligue de l'Enseignement Nouvelle Aquitaine, France


How to contact us?:

Institutional coordinator of the project: a.mendelbaum@medyk.edu.pl 

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