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Aqua Symphony

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Project title: AquaSymphony: Adaptation to Climate Change and Sustainable Water Use

Duration: Mar 1, 2024 - Mar 31, 2025  13 months

Project number: 2023-2-IT02-KA210-SCH-000184958

Programme: Eramsus +

Key Action: Small-scale partnerships in school education

Coordinator: ITIS E. Ferm (Italy)

Website: under construction

Facebook: under construction

Keywords: Environment and climate change, Awareness about the European Union, Creating new, innovative or joint curricula or courses






Climate change is one of the most important agenda topics of today. Environmental problems have reached life-threatening levels, making it necessary for individuals and societies to reconsider their duties and responsibilities towards nature.

Climate change affects the water cycle, significantly changing the distribution and availability of water resources.

The "Clean Water and Sanitation" topic (6. 3, 4, 5, 6 sub-goals) among the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) aims to effectively manage water resources and increase water efficiency to ensure sustainable water management. There are important points regarding the sustainable management of water resources in the European Green Deal announced by the European Commission. These are measures to be taken to reduce sustainable water use/pollution and reduce the impact of climate change on water resources. The general purpose of the agreement is to combat climate change, protect human health and sustainable water use. It is predicted that climate change will have different types/severity of impacts in the future. For this reason, many institutions/organizations on a global and local scale are carrying out important work to raise awareness on this issue.

Although water is among the most necessary natural resources, it is a limited resource. With increasing water scarcity, water management on a global scale is gaining importance day by day. Teachers have a great influence and responsibility in raising students. Project; through training and good practice observations; to raise teachers' awareness about adaptation to climate change and sustainable use of water resources, to improve their competence, knowledge and digital skills for teaching this subject; It aims to support the language

development and cultural exchange of all partners and to contribute to the protection of water resources by creating an activity-based teacher e-handbook with these achievements.

With project training and activities; One of the priorities of the 2021-2027 Erasmus+ Program is to provide teachers with the necessary understanding and skills by supporting adaptation to climate change and sustainability in the use of water resources; Improving teachers' skills in digital learning and using digital tools within the scope of digital transformation; It aims for diversity by reaching teachers from different disciplines and cultures within the scope of inclusion.

Within the scope of the "AquaSymphony: Adaptation to Climate Change and Sustainable Water Use" project, it is aimed to realize the horizontal priority of "combatting environment and climate change" by contributing to the priority targets of the Erasmus + Program. The project requires sharing international experiences regarding the priority of creating and implementing internationalization strategies for school education (SCH) and educators. In this context, other priorities of the project will also be implemented.






  • To raise teachers' awareness about adaptation to climate change and sustainable use of water resources,
  • To develop their competence, knowledge and digital skills for teaching this subject,
  • To support language development and cultural exchange,
  • It aims to contribute to the protection of water resources by creating an activity-based teacher e-handbook with these achievements and disseminating this e-handbook in the schools and countries of all partner organizations (educating students).



  • Teacher training and demonstration of good practice examples,
  • Expert invitation event and demonstration of good practice examples,
  • It will help develop a Teacher e-handbook consisting of digitally supported activities and increase teachers' digital
  • knowledge and skills.
  • Preparing the handbook for trained teachers,
  • Providing training to teachers in their country using this handbook by trained teachers,
  • Implementation of the handbook in schools,
  • Closing conference and panel.



  • Ensuring the participation of 22 teachers, a maximum of 6 from each country, in international trainings,
  • Creation of the teacher e-handbook under the leadership of the partner university,
  • Providing local training using the handbook to a total of at least 220 teachers in partner countries,
  • Reaching 500 students with in-class and extra-curricular activities carried out by all trained teachers using the teacher e-handbook in their classrooms.






How to contact us?

Contact to the institutional coordinator: 

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