Gender 101 - project newsletters
Project Newsletter No. 1
Gender refers to the characteristics of women, men, girls and boys that are socially constructed. This includes
norms, behaviours and roles associated with being a woman, man, girl or boy, as well as relationships with
each other. As a social construct, gender varies from society to society and can change over time.
World Health Organisation, 2023 Gender refers to the social and cultural identity of a person based on the societal norms and expectations associated with being male, female, or another gender identity.
It can also refer to the biological differences between males and females, such as reproductive organs and
chromosomes. However, it’s important to understand that gender is not determined solely by biology and
can vary from culture to culture.
Project Newsletter No. 2
The words for gender
The focus groups organised in Malta, Lithuania, Poland, Ireland, Italy and Croatia offered the opportunity to record the words best representing the concept of gender for the participants. Comparing the results with the same recognition within the project team and with the project countries, well represent the cultural influence on
the concept gender and the individual awareness of gender-related difficulties and values.
Project Newsletter No. 3
GENDER 101 programme for trainers
Amongst the results of the Gender 101 project there is the creation of a space for Training in Gender
This training includes:
• a reflection on our own biases on gender diversity and how to become aware of these biases;
• a comprehensive session on understanding the definition of gender;
• information on educating and informing parents about the importance of parental support during the
child’s coming out process, through all of its stages;
• understanding the importance of the language for expressing our thoughts, therefore for mitigating any
gender-based conflict;
• real life situations of gender-diverse people, providing information about differences between stereotype, stigma and discrimination noticing harmful consequences of all these kinds of prejudice.
Project Newsletter No. 4
The GENDER 101 digital tools
The Digital Tools are breakthrough tools that help educational environments handle and understand gender diversity and identity. These unique tools provide critical tools, insights, and tactics to help foster gender debates, challenge established conventions, and promote a more inclusive view of gender identity. By combining instructional resources, interactive modules, and professional guidance, the Digital Tools provide teachers, students, and educational institutions with the knowledge they need to create an inclusive and respectful learning environment. The holistic approach clarifies complicated gender ideas and promotes the well-being of all students, especially those investigating or identifying with nontraditional gender roles. The Digital Tools seek to demolish stereotypes, encourage acceptance, and guarantee that everyone feels recognised and respected in education.
Project Newsletter No. 5
The final results of the GENDER 101 project
The Gender 101 project allowed Partners in six different European countries to create a discussion channel with educators and parents on the topic of gender diversity. Through the work of the experts, a Masterclass was created with different inputs, together with an accompanying guide for trainers to deliver this Masterclass.
An online, free, accessible tool, is also available for parents, who can seek researched answers to their queries on gender diversity. Ultimately, the work done and the tools created are aimed to allow for the subject of gender diversity to be discussed and to allow parents to accompany their children throughout their growth.