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ACTIVE.U workshops and meetings

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The #Active.U project aims to enable young people to acquire new skills and learn, to explore their own possibilities for the future through sport and informal education, in order to create a social inclusion strategy based on sport and the promotion of European social values associated with it.
As part of the project, we organised a series of local workshops aimed at local associations working in the field of social inclusion, physical education and sport, as well as young people, sports clubs, private or public associations, schools and volunteers working with different associations and organisations.


1. Meeting with Volunteers organised at WSBINOZ facilities in June 20219. During the meeting we have presented the overall ide of the project, its aims and objectives. Partnership of the project was introduced. During the meeting we also run a discussion about NEETs in Poland and the need to create solutions to encourage them to further education and search of jobs.

Agenda of the meeting:
10:00 - welcome of the participants, signature of attendance list.
10:15 – presentation of the partnership
10:30 – presentation of main aims and objectives and expected results
11:00 – NEETs in Poland
11:15 – open discussion


2. Individual meetings with sport coaches, trainers and instructors organized in Zgierz – November-December 2020, in total 7 participants.

Agenda of the meeting:
10:00 - welcome of the participants, signature of attendance list.
10:15 – presentation of the partnership
10:30 – presentation of main aims and objectives and expected results
11:00 – presentation of the prototype
11:15 – open discussion and collection of feedback about proposed model/prototype


3. Conference about peer violence – November 2021 – organized at WSBINOZ facilities - number of participants in total around 60, number of participants during individual discussion about the project -11. During individual sessions participants were informed about: partnership, main aims and objectives and expected results of the ACTIVE.U project, presentation of the prototype, collection of feedback about proposed model/prototype.

4. Meeting with volunteers, sport instructors in December 2021 – organized at WSBINOZ facilities– total number of participants 15. During the meeting participants were informed about: partnership, main aims and objectives and developed results of the ACTIVE.U project, presentation of the final prototype.


5. Individual meetings with teachers, physical education teachers in Zgierz – December 2021 – number of participants in total 14. During the individual sessions participants were informed about: partnership, main aims and objectives and developed results of the ACTIVE.U project, final prototype was presented.


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